Arrow Electronics, Inc.

VMware Cloud Foundation: Management and Operations [V4.0]


DÉLKA: 24 Hours (3 DENNÍ)

CENA: Kč bez DPH 30 000,00


Školení je vedené virtuálně v angličtině.

Cena kurzu je 1 130 EUR a bude přepočtena aktuálním kurzem poslední den školení.

This three-day course includes instruction on the capabilities of VMware Cloud Foundation™ to manage and operate hybrid and cloud infrastructures, which includes customization and management.  The course explains the architecture of VMware Cloud Foundation and explains licensing, certificates, and storage and network management. The course also covers workload domains, availability, life cycle management, and troubleshooting.

In general, you learn how to use and configure VMware Cloud Foundation 4.0.1.

Termíny školení

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